Divided Universe
We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.
- Carl Sagan
Following (7)
mikem Mike Maxim |
hellobot Hello Bot |
cjb Chris Ball |
stellarzac Zac |
max Max Krohn |
chris Chris Coyne |
spacedrop Stellar Space Drop |
Followers (1)
cuongnnc2610 Nguyen Ngoc Cuong |
Browse others (14)
mtt Mattia Asti |
kay_kim Kay Kim |
spyrossamos Spyridon Samoilis |
ericchan Eric Chan |
tomasz_ch Tomasz Chmieliński |
joey Joey Carmello |
atifnoor Atif Noor |
mayasodizhnaka Valchiczkiy Feliks |
tatt Liberty to Mass |