Elisa Jason
If you hang out with me for too long, i will brainwash you into believing in yourself and knowing you can achieve anything,if only you believe you really can…
United state of America, New york state.
Following (43)
thomasr37oss Thomas Richardson |
datadave Dave |
rogiller Roger Diller |
patrick Patrick Crosby |
evank |
herbstreet |
david_herbst David Herbst |
kcotton2020 |
thatsthepoint Kris |
client4 Eric Fulton |
Followers (3)
liberty77 |
thomasr37oss Thomas Richardson |
datadave Dave |
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arnav Arnav Aggarwal |
dfederschmidt Daniel Federschmidt |
rmoxley Richard Moxley |
andrewtorba Andrew Torba |
jnewcastle James Newcastle |
angietag Angie T |
juanzero Jose Mendoza |
agp370 Anish Paul |