Steve Huff
Pronouns are he/him.
I'm a distributed systems engineeer. I'm also an EMT, and a founder emeritus of Operation Hammond.
Boston, MA
Following (192)
makoshark Benjamin Mako Hill |
jbalonso Jason B. Alonso |
blackknight Black Knight |
sjoeboo Matthew Nicholson |
mhayden Major Hayden |
mitchellh Mitchell Hashimoto |
jessie Jessie Frazelle |
freebsdgirl Randi Harper |
krisnovaidentity Kris Nóva |
ireneista Irenes |
Followers (76)
mikepowell |
sstrickl Tess Strickland |
mcox Matthew Cox |
tfhartmann Tim (Alaric) Hartmann |
juliatuttle Julia Tuttle |
jwm John Morrissey |
knittingdev Mary Hayes |
lthomas Lori Thomas |
ijiord Korneli Woźniak |
Browse others (14)
fallonsm50an Fallon Smolensky |
anoukide Anouk Ide |
nohobbysfound 404 No Hobbys Found |
gutocarvalho Guto Carvalho |
m1k311 mikey |
mckbeardy Zach |
macecheng Mace Cheng |
anonbitcoiner Jonathan Li |
bbear Beth Grant |