Games, Dev, Ubuntu, FactorCode.
Lavalamps are awesome - you should buy a couple.
I defend the Oxford comma.
Following (12)
grugq the grugq |
graydon Graydon Hoare |
where_is_x YANA |
dshaw Dan Shaw |
javaplum |
jonas Jonas Bonér |
jessepollak Jesse Pollak |
shannonmorse Shannon Morse |
unix_ninja Chris |
hacks4pancakes Lesley Carhart |
Followers (1)
javaplum |
Browse others (15)
mkuritz Matthew Kuritz |
boserup Jonas Boserup |
elizle Eli Ratcliff |
cliffpruitt Cliff Pruitt |
del David Lamont |
srmonedero Quique Álvarez |
themagikbot Ivan Molina Rebolledo’s playground bot. |
jbussdieker_ms Joshua B. Bussdieker |
sgulden Steve Gulden |
engels Engels |
zuzik zuziam🦧 |
letishairvin Letisha Irvin |