Sysadministrivia Podcast
A podcast that covers all things system administration/engineering/infosec, with a strong focus on GNU/Linux. Please use to contact us to negotiate en/decrypting, as we use different keys for that. Thanks!
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Following (74)
clpo13 Cody Logan |
knarphie Knarphie |
trhein Trent R. Hein |
reverie reverie |
aditya3098 Aditya Goturu |
mvanwessem Michiel van Wessem |
joelperkins Joel Perkins |
josephbleroy Joseph B. LeRoy |
roguetortoise Stephen Jahl |
hagridaaron Aaron Tracy |
Followers (62)
wls Walt Stoneburner |
andrewboring Andrew Boring |
ethicalcyber Jonathan Phillips |
crackpotmark Mark C |
mbwe Werner |
rahmiyildiz Rahmi Yıldız |
martinmicevski Martin Micevski |
abreuer Sonia Michalak |
karenmcbride |
teuvmihelan Maczko Georgina |
Browse others (15)
geovanni_hw Geovanni |
ripe Matt McKinnon |
lupejkis Don Lupejkis |
fowler64 Grant Fowler |
oraveritas Ora DeVeritas |
blase Blase Masserant |
rwalton27 Rebecca Walton |
arunthakur Arun Thakur |
siphex James Gillean |
tumble Tumble |
elexlm ele |
rechelon William Gillis |
soumik Soumik Ranjan Dasgupta |