... at this point it's an IQ Test
“When the people are afraid of the government, that's tyranny. But when the government is afraid of the people, that's liberty.“ ...
“When you abandon freedom to achieve security, you lose both and deserve neither.“
― Thomas Jefferson
... thus becoming plantation workers of Slavelandia !
Following (230)
comedians |
zerolz Kane M. |
mbussonn Matthias Bussonnier |
kintoandar Joel - Moved to Signal |
chrispacia Chris Pacia |
drewfustin Drew Fustin |
leena77fi Leena Fiorini |
tav tav |
chae14p Chae Pulanco |
r_gayler Ross Gayler |
Followers (4)
zerolz Kane M. |
thenakedamelie Amélie |
rscholar Peter J. Mello |
obikenobi_1 Benjamin Kenobi |
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yeshualife YeshuaLife friend |
kutter Jim Kutter |
erisianash Ἀρτεμισία τῆς Κασκαδίας |
radterosint Loránd Bodó |
kaslr Daniel |
diatoid Brad Strait |
jonahex2099 Tim Robinson |
marksharp Mark Sharp |
travelsim Simon |
geophphrie Jeffrey Thomas Cross |